
Life with the angels

Welcome to the day to day life of me, the hubby, and our 4 angels.
Kathy - Mom
Chad - Dad
Caed - oldest angel
Riley - second angel
Dylan - third angel
Mika - forth and only girl angel

Pizza time

Thursday, July 5, 2012

So the kids made pizza tonight.  M was more interested in eating the cheese than in putting it on her pizza.  D was not thrilled since they were working together on one pizza.  C and R made their pizza with cheese, bacon, and, on C's side, spinach.  R didn't like the sauce, so he didn't eat the pizza, he ate a pb sandwich.  R wants to be a chef, as long as he doesn't have to eat what he cooks.  Honestly, R is a pretty good cook.  He says he's making pancakes tomorrow.  Let's see if he shares some this time.


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