
Life with the angels

Welcome to the day to day life of me, the hubby, and our 4 angels.
Kathy - Mom
Chad - Dad
Caed - oldest angel
Riley - second angel
Dylan - third angel
Mika - forth and only girl angel

Crazy Days

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So I have been crazy planning Mika's party.  It's all I've been thinking about.  I want to make it special, but I am becoming a bit obsessive. Lol. I did start making her tutu today. It's turning out so pretty!  I'll get a picture up once it's done.

On Sunday, I took the big boys to sleep over at Mimi and Papa's house.  The littles and I drove to San Antonio to pick Chad up at Lackland.  When I was saying good bye to Caed and Riley, Mika surprised us all by saying, "Bye Momma, I'll miss you!"  Uh, yeah, no, she was coming with, like it or not!  The littles and I had an easy, uneventful drive to San Antonio.  We got there, got Chad, and went to eat on base at Burger King and a pizza place.  It was definitely cozy to have 4 people sharing a queen size bed, especially when two of them are little kids who hog the bed.

Monday, while waiting for Chad's discharge papers, the littles and I went to a nice big park on base.  There was a section for kids under 3, one for ages 3-5, and one for ages 6-12.  We were the only ones there, but it was really nice for the kids to be able to run and climb and swing.  The only downside was the amount of mosquitos eating us up.  By 3:00, we were on our way home.  We took an alternate route home through the hill country.  It was absolutely beautiful.  Mimi had already dropped the bigs at home with Nana, so we just came straight home.  I was so tired!

We're all happy to have Chad home, even if he has to leave again 2 weeks.  At least he's home for his birthday tomorrow.


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