
Life with the angels

Welcome to the day to day life of me, the hubby, and our 4 angels.
Kathy - Mom
Chad - Dad
Caed - oldest angel
Riley - second angel
Dylan - third angel
Mika - forth and only girl angel

My Sweet Mika

Friday, August 10, 2012

My sweet girl.  You turned 3 on the 7th.  You are so big, yet still so tiny.  You love to snuggle against my "apples" to sleep and you still love your piyah.  I love how funny and sweet and loving you are.  You bring so much joy and happiness to all our lives.  I never know what you're going to say next, but I love everything you have to tell me.  You are the princess of our world; the love of my life.  I can't tell you how much I love to hold you and smell your hair.  You still smell like my baby.
I love you more than the world, my daughter.  You are my shining star.
You are my heart.
You are the littlest love of my life.
Happy birthday, my angel girl.
Love always,


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